Season 1

Nerd Daddies: The Dad-lian Tomb Part 2
Nerd DaddiesSeptember 19, 202401:18:21

Nerd Daddies: The Dad-lian Tomb Part 2

This week the Nerd Daddies take a dive at Dungeons & Dragons. With Alex running as our DM we set out on and Epic one shot quest to complete. Check us out on Apple Podcast, Spotify, Amazon Mus...

Nerd Daddies: The Dad-lian Tomb Part 1
Nerd DaddiesSeptember 06, 202400:44:43

Nerd Daddies: The Dad-lian Tomb Part 1

This week the Nerd Daddies take a dive at Dungeons & Dragons. With Alex running as our DM we set out on and Epic one shot quest to complete. Check us out on Apple Podcast, Spotify, Amazon Mus...

Episode 21 - The Season Finale Featuring Wheel of Punishment!
Nerd DaddiesJanuary 05, 202401:07:14

Episode 21 - The Season Finale Featuring Wheel of Punishment!

FIRST LIVE EPISODE ALERT: The Daddies discuss their favorite podcast moments, their favorite cookies, and the time TJ confessed his love Taylor Swift. Also enjoy their most chaotic game yet? Thanks f...

Episode 20 - The Polar Express Debacle, and The Santa Debate
Nerd DaddiesDecember 22, 202301:21:27

Episode 20 - The Polar Express Debacle, and The Santa Debate

This week The Daddy's wish everyone a Merry Christmas the best way they know how! By ranking old Christmas Movies Tier list Style! Also join them as they discuss the Santa situation, Alex gets wa...

Episode 19 - Reuniting at Dave n Busters and Eating WEIRD Canned Food Combinations!
Nerd DaddiesDecember 07, 202301:27:16

Episode 19 - Reuniting at Dave n Busters and Eating WEIRD Canned Food Combinations!

Join the Daddies this week as they take a dive into Grand Theft Auto 6, discuss their recent fun times at Dave n Busters, and have the most disgusting Father Face off to date?! Loser has to eat a com...